Friday, January 3, 2014

A bit about our Penny

If I had one word to describe my little miss Penelope... it would be FIESTY, all caps for sure. This itty bitty nugget was that way from birth. She's the boss of our house and is a very particular boss at that; I'd go as far as to say she's the toughest boss I have ever worked with. And although she's a fire cracker, she is the sweetest fire cracker you will ever meet and I wouldn't want her any other way!   

Exhibit A: Silently making her way off the swing. At about 6 weeks old she managed to roll herself onto her stomach and scoot herself right off the swing. I was in the same room with her and I didn't notice until I heard a loud plop on the floor. This pic was taken at a later date. Don't ask me why she isn't buckled in after we discovered what she could do. It took a couple of incidents for us to secure her properly (bad parent award).

This picture does not do her back arching skills justice, but when baby girl is mad her strength easily rivals mine. We've been told by a few unbiased parties that she has some crazy ninja strength. 

This 8 series pic is a prime example of her expressive face. They were all taken in the span of 2 minutes at 2 weeks old. 

I have to include a couple bath time photos. It's one of my many favorite moments in the day. The first photo is how she looks immediately after being placed in the tub and the next photo is soon after. She's shocked at first, but definitely loves the bath!


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