I initially wanted to have the most natural birth possible, but I really didn't want to go over 41 weeks. That being the case, I scheduled myself for an induction. I was told to come in on September 10, at 3:30 pm. After a restless night due to excitement and nerves, I received a wake up call, literally - it woke me up - from the hospital telling me labor and delivery was full and to hold off on my appointment until they called me back. They then casually mentioned that it could be a couple days. I was beyond miserable at this point! I had a full blown temper tantrum. All the doctors in all of Arizona were playing a cruel, cruel joke on me. After my melt down, I called my doctors office asking to be seen in order to make sure baby was still doing good and also hoping my doc would tell me I was progressing. After having braxton hicks for weeks and noticing them getting stronger and more consistent, I thought I could possibly be dilating. Around 3:00 me, Nathan, and mom Otto headed to the doctors office and as we were pulling into the parking lot, the HOSPITAL CALLED!! Turns out, after all the dramatics, I was able to go in at the time we had been planning on. We skipped out on the doctors visit, obviously, went home to pick up our bags, and headed to the hospital to get the party started.
Me and Nathan previously discussed who we wanted in the room and we felt like it would a special experience if our mothers were there, to experience their grandchild's birth and to lend some much needed support. It was around 5:00 pm when me, Nathan, and our mothers were settled in the delivery room. I was beyond excited and surprised to find out I was already 2 cm dilated. My doctor decided to skip the Cervidil (drug to ripen cervix) and go straight to Pitocin (drug to cause contractions). After I was hooked up to all the lovely machinery, things started progressing very quickly. I started off laboring on the birthing ball (exercise ball shaped like a peanut), but was only there for half an hour due to hip pain. I spent the next 2 hours in various positions on the bed, thanks to the suggestions of my nurse Dana. She was amazing! Up until this point the pain was pretty manageable. Dana checked to see if I had progressed and much to everyone's surprise, I was 6 cm. I couldn't believe it! They then stopped the Pitocin because my body was doing its thing, and I was all for this. I was terrified for my contractions to continue getting stronger; I was not ready to be in more pain. I remember thinking how impossible it's going to be for my uterus to twist and tighten more than it already is and how I am not going to be able to deal. An hour later, I hadn't progressed from a 6, so my doctor came in to brake my water. My contractions continued to get stronger and closer together and I was officially feeling that indescribable labor pain. My birth team was amazing. Nathan never left my side, he kept me going by keeping me focused and helping me breathe through the contractions. My mom was busy rubbing my back and legs and mom Otto was feeding me ice chips. And of course my nurse, Dana, who mentioned how excited she was to coach a natural birth. I am so grateful for people like her in the world! She kept moving me into different positions (laying on both sides, sitting up cross-legged, kneeling, birth ball), which helped immensely with the pain. Shortly after my doctor broke my water, I had progressed to 8 cm. Everyone was singing praises, assuring me it wouldn't be much longer. The next 3 hours were the most unbearable 3 hours of my life. I had the urge to push for the rest of my labor and I was barely holding it together . I was constantly asking Dana to check to see if I was at a 10 yet. She had to explain to me several times that continuously checking my cervix would be a risk for infection. I was mad at everyone! Finally, after spending 2 hours at an 8, I made it to a 9! Unfortunately, my cervix had swollen and I wouldn't be able to push until it had gone down. Between 8 and 10 cm I repeatedly exclaimed to the room that I was pushing, over and over again - "I'M PUSHING, I'M PUSHING, I'M PUSHING"; Dana would than explain to me how bad of an idea that would be and she eventually called my bluff and wisely noted that if I was pushing I wouldn't be talking. After what felt like eternity and many moans and groans and yelps and heavy/angry breathing (another hour), Dana gave me the go ahead to push. What a joyous sentence that was!!!!!
Pushing is by far the best part of labor. The pain was ending and I was about to meet my baby. My doctor made it in the room just in time, yet not soon enough to put gloves on before Penelope shot out like superwoman; literally, fist by face and everything. What an amazing, spiritual, can't put into words experience it is to meet your baby for the first time. I fell in love the moment she was set on my chest. After a brief, but awe stricken encounter with my sweet baby, she was taken to the side to get her height, weight, and Apgar scores. She was born on September 11, at 12:51 am, weight - 7 lbs 10 oz, height - 20.5 in.
After I was all stitched up from, according to my doctor, the most awkward and ragged tear he has seen in his 30 years of practice (I never do cease to be awkward), I was able to spend time with my new little family. Mine and Nathan's mothers went home to get some much needed sleep, while Nathan and I spent time getting to know our precious little miracle.
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